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General Information

WKA Code of Conduct

You will be learning a highly effective method of self-defence and must only be used when absolutely necessary.

Then only with the minimum force required to subdue the attacker or stop him or them.

You must never use your skill to bully or enforce your will on others.

Honour, Respect and Integrity are the cornerstones of our art, sport and association. 


  • In the training hall you must never engage in idle chatter, fool about, smoke, drink alcohol, chew gum or sweets.
  • Never enter the training hall after having consumed alcohol.
  • Always wear the correct uniform, ensure that your uniform and person, particularly feet are clean.
  • Long hair must be tied back, finger and toenails must be short and clean.
  • Do not wear jewellery (plain wedding ring excepted).
  • When training, care must be taken at all times to avoid accidents, you must respect your training partners.
  • Please report to your instructor any illness or injury which could affect your training.
  • Remember that self-control is one of our most important rules, and its loss is evident to all.
  • All members should act responsibly with courtesy and respect at all times by avoiding using inappropriate or offensive language; this includes threats of violence towards any person or acts of violence towards any person.
  • Failure to comply with these regulations will result in immediate action being taken and could result in the termination of WKA membership.

Disciplinary Procedure:

If you feel a breach of the Code of Conduct has taken place, then your first point of call is your immediate senior. If you do not think that is the correct place for your complaint then bring it to your National Representative or WKA International Head Office.             

If the offence is criminal, as in inappropriate touching, threats of violence, abusive actions, sexual or physical abuse, we strongly urge you to contact law enforcement immediately and before notifying WKA Head Office. 

For non-criminal breaches that require WKA Head Office involvement will be dealt with in the following manner

1. A disciplinary board will be created with two Vice Presidents and one Senior Vice President or World President.

2. This board will investigate the issue and report back to the senior team, consisting or both Senior vice presidents along with both the World and Executive President.

3. A decision will be reached, and the complainant will be notified of the findings before any required action is taken. If the complaint is serious, the senior team reserves the right to pass on to law enforcement as it sees fit. 

Officials and Procedures


For any International Title, there are only two ways of judging possible, without exception.

A. One judge from the host country, one from the opponent’s country and one neutral judge.

B.  Three judges from a neutral country.

The ring referee can be, however, from any country. It is the responsibility of all judges to judge the fight fairly and without prejudice. All rounds will be single round scoring.

The supervisor has to fill in the scorekeeper card and to confirm the result, which he must report to our head office within 48 hours.


Weigh-ins for Title fights must be done at the latest 24 hours before the fight.  The appointed supervisor must be present during the weigh-in. Both fighters must weigh-in at the same time, and on the same scales, either both managers or coaches must be in attendance.
Video weigh-ins are strictly forbidden. 

Mandatory medical checks are required for both fighters by the official medic/doctor.


If you disagree with the result, be courteous. Make an official protest ringside immediately after the result by the attended WKA supervisor or send an email with the protest clearly defined to WKA International Head Office Our Head Office will make the final decision.

If you do not agree with the result, you can make an official protest ringside straight after the result to the WKA supervisor or send an email with your protest clearly defined to WKA International Head Office

Our World President and senior team will make the final decision.

Any new WKA Title Holder will have the option of defending their title within the first six months of their title fight.

After six months, a Title Defence will be mandatory. If a holder has not made a defence for more than twelve months, they will be declared Inactive, and they would have no choice but to defend against the first qualified challenger.

If a holder has not made a defence for more than eighteen months, the WKA can declare the title Vacant without giving notice.

If a current holder wins the title above the one they hold, then the lesser title will be automatically vacated (e.g. if a National Title Holder wins any International Title then the National Title is vacated).

WKA Fighters Record Book